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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - live


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~1 v IN A PLACE/TIME 1 »IN A PLACE/HOME« to have your home in a particular place  (live in/at/with/near etc)  (Where do you live? | We used to live in Bakersfield. | They have one daughter who still lives with them. | live at home (=live with your parents) | look for a place to live (=look for a house to live in) | live rough BrE (=have no home and sleep outdoors)) 2 »PLANT/ANIMAL« a plant or animal that lives in a particular place grows there or has its home there  (live in/on/near etc)  (The birds live only on this island.) 3 »AT A PARTICULAR TIME« to be alive at a particular time or when particular events happen + before/in/a  (Pythagoras lived a century before Socrates. | He lived during the time of the plague.) 4 »TO BE KEPT SOMEWHERE« informal especially BrE to be kept in a particular place  (live in/on etc)  (Where does this dish live?) »LIVE IN A PARTICULAR WAY« 5 I always + adv/prep, to have a particular type of life, or live in a particular way  (live in/under/like etc)  (These people are living in appalling conditions. | He lived like a king. | live well (=have plenty of money, food etc) | live a quiet/active/healthy life)  (Ben has to live a quiet life. | live the life of)  (She lived the life of an aristocrat. | live a life of crime/luxury)  (a movie star living a life of luxury | live in fear (of))  (Colin lives in fear of having a heart attack. | live from day to day (=deal with each day as it comes without making plans) | be living on the breadline (=be very poor) | live out of a suitcase (=travel a lot, especially as part of your work)) 6 »LIVE BY DOING STH« to keep yourself alive by working, eating etc  (They earn barely enough to live. | live by doing sth)  (They live by hunting and killing deer. | live on beans/potatoes/grass etc (=eat only a particular type of food))  (living on a diet of bread and cheese | live out of tins/cans (=eat mainly food from cans, not fresh food) | live on benefit/welfare/-40 a week etc (=have only a small amount of money with which to buy food, pay bills etc))  (I challenge anyone to try to live on the state pension.) 7 live it up informal to do things that you enjoy and spend a lot of money  (living it up at the Hotel California) 8 »LIVE BY A PRINCIPLE/RULE ETC« to always behave according to a particular set of rules or ideas  (people who live by the Bible) 9 live by your wits to get money by being clever or dishonest, and not by doing an ordinary job 10 live a lie to pretend all the time that you feel or believe something when actually you do not  (I had to divorce him, I couldn't go on living a lie.) 11 »EXCITING LIFE« to have an exciting life  (We're beginning to live at last!) »BE ALIVE« 12 »BE/STAY ALIVE« to be alive or be able to stay alive  (Without light, plants couldn't live. | He is extremely ill and not expected to live. | The baby only lived a few hours. | Females live longer on average than males. | give sb six months/a year etc to live (=expect someone who is ill to only live for six months etc) | live to see/witness sth (=live long enough to see it))  (I'm glad she did not live to witness the break-up of her daughter's marriage.) 13 the best/greatest/worst ... that ever lived someone who was better, greater etc at doing something than anyone else in the past or present  (I think Jimi Hendrix was definitely the greatest guitarist that ever lived.) 14 be living on borrowed time to be still alive after the time that you were expected to die SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP 15 live with/together if two people live together, they live with each other in a sexual relationship without getting married  (We wanted to live together and have a child. | the man she's been living with for the last four years) 16 live in sin old-fashioned to live together and have a sexual relationship without being married LIVE FOR A REASON 17 live for sb/sth if you live for someone or something, they are so important to you that they seem to be your main reason for living  (He lived for his art. | All through the football season, I lived for Saturdays.) 18 live and breathe sth to enjoy doing something so much that you spend most of your time on it  (Politics is the stuff I live and breathe.) 19 live for the day when to want something to happen very much  (She lives for the day when she can have an apartment of her own.) IN YOUR MIND 20 live in a world of your own/live in a dream world to have strange ideas about life that are not like those of other people 21 live in the past to have old-fashioned ideas and attitudes  (You can't go on living in the past.) 22 live in sb's memory/live with sb to continue to exist in someone's memory  (The expression of terror on my son's face lived with me for years.) 23 »IMAGINE STH« to imagine that you are experiencing something + in/through etc  (an old actress living in her past glory) »OTHER MEANINGS« 24 »STILL HAVE INFLUENCE« if someone's idea or work lives, it continues to influence people  (Glasnost lives! | Shakespeare's words live with us still.) 25 as long as I live used to emphasize that you will always do or feel something  (I'll never forget it as long as I live.) 26 not live sth down if you cannot live down something bad that you have done, people do not forget about it  (I was tempted to admit defeat, but I would never have lived it down.) 27 you live and learn used to say that you have just heard or learnt something surprising 28 live and let live used to say that you should accept other people's behaviour, even if it seems strange 29 you haven't lived used to say that someone's life will be boring if they do not have a particular experience  (You haven't lived until you've tasted champagne.) 30 sb will live to regret it used to say that someone will wish that they had not done something  (If you marry him, you'll live to regret it.) 31 if I live to be 100/1000 etc used to say that you will never understand something  (If I live to be a thousand years old, I'll never see why she does these things!) 32 live to fight/see another day to continue to live or work after a failure or after you have dealt with a difficult situation  (A lot of stores like ours have closed down, but we'll live to see another day.) 33 long live the King/Queen! etc spoken used as an expression of loyal support 34 long live democracy/America/the people etc used to show support for an idea, principle, or nation live in phr v if someone who does paid work in a place lives in, they live at that place  (- see also live-in) live off sb/sth phr v to get your income or food from a supply of money or from another person  (Mom used to live off the interest from her savings. | Rick disapproves of people who are living off the welfare. | live off the land (=get food from growing vegetables, hunting etc)) live on phr v to continue to exist  (Alice's memory will live on.)  (- see also live1 (24)) live out phr v 1 when someone who does paid work in a place lives out, they do not live in that place 2 live out sth to experience or do something that you have planned or hoped for  (The money enabled them to live out their dreams.) 3 live out your life in/on/along etc to continue to live in a particular way or place until you die  (He lived out his life in solitude.) live through sth phr v to experience difficult or dangerous conditions  (It was hard to describe the nightmare she had lived through.) live up to sth phr v if something or someone lives up to a standard, reputation, or promise, they do as well as they were expected to, do what they promised etc  (The bank is insolvent and will be unable to live up to its obligations. | live up to your expectations)  (The book certainly lived up to his expectations.) live with sth phr v to accept a difficult situation that is likely to continue for a long time  (You have to learn to live with stress.) ~2 adj 1 »LIVING« only before noun not dead or artificial; living  (They are campaigning against experiments on live animals.)  (- compare dead1 (1)) 2 live broadcast/programme etc a programme that is seen or heard on television or radio at the same time as it is being made 3 live performance/act/music etc a performance in which the entertainer performs for people who are watching rather than for a film, record, etc  (Did the introduction of CDs affect the interest in live music? | Madonna live in concert. | live recording (=a recording made of a live performance) | live audience (=the people who watch a live performance))  (It's always different singing in front of a live audience.) 4 »ELECTRIC« a wire or equipment that is live has electricity flowing through it  (- see also live wire (2)) 5 »BULLETS/BOMBS« a live bullet, bomb etc still has the power to explode because it has not been used  (live ammunition) 6 live match a match that has not yet been used to produce a flame 7 live coals pieces of coal that are burning 8 live issue/concern an issue that still interests or worries people 9 »COMPUTER« when a computer system is put into live use, it is used in a real situation by ordinary people instead of just being tested by the people who designed it 10 live yoghurt yoghurt containing bacteria that are still alive 11 a real live ... spoken an expression used to emphasize that something surprising has been seen or exists, used especially to or by children  (We saw a real live elephant!) ~3 adv 1 broadcast a programme/show/speech etc live to broadcast something at the same time as it actually happens  (We will be broadcasting the program live from Austin.) 2 perform live to perform in front of people who have come to watch, rather than for a film, record etc
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  I. [c red]VERB USES (lives, living, lived) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 8 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If someone lives in a particular place or with a particular person, their home is in that place or with that person. She has lived here for 10 years... She always said I ought to live alone... Where do you live?... He still lives with his parents. VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep, V adv/prep, V adv/prep 2. If you say that someone lives in particular circumstances or that they live a particular kind of life, you mean that they are in those circumstances or that they have that kind of life. We lived quite grandly... Compared to people living only a few generations ago, we have greater opportunities to have a good time... We can start living a normal life again now. VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep, V n 3. If you say that someone lives for a particular thing, you mean that it is the most important thing in their life. He lived for his work. VERB: V for n 4. To live means to be alive. If someone lives to a particular age, they stay alive until they are that age. He’s got a terrible disease and will not live long... He lived to be 103... Matilda was born in northern Italy in 1046 and apparently lived to a ripe old age... The blue whale is the largest living thing on the planet... VERB: V adv, V to-inf, V to n, V-ing 5. If people live by doing a particular activity, they get the money, food, or clothing they need by doing that activity. ...the last indigenous people to live by hunting... These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime. VERB: no cont, V by -ing/n, V by -ing/n 6. If you live by a particular rule, belief, or ideal, you behave in the way in which it says you should behave. They live by the principle that we are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we want from it. VERB: V by n 7. see also living 8. to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~d; living)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English libban; akin to Old High German leben to ~  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to be a~ ; have the life of an animal or plant  2. to continue a~  3. to maintain oneself ; subsist ~d on rice and peas  4.  a. to occupy a home ; dwell living in a shabby room they had always ~d in the country  b. to be located or stored the silverware ~s here  5. to attain eternal life though he die, yet shall he ~ — John 11:25 (Revised Standard Version)  6. to conduct or pass one's life ~d only for his work  7. to remain in human memory or record the past ~s in us all — W. R. Inge  8. to have a life rich in experience  9. cohabit  transitive verb  1. to pass through or spend the duration of ~d their ~s alone  2. act out, practice — often used with out to ~ out their fantasies  3. to exhibit vigor, gusto, or enthusiasm in ~d life to the fullest  4.  a. to experience firsthand living a dream  b. to be thoroughly absorbed by or involved with she ~s her work  II. adjective  Etymology: short for a~  Date: 1542  1.  a. having life ; living a ~ lobster  b. existing in fact or reality ; actual spoke to a real ~ celebrity  2. exerting force or containing energy: as  a. afire, glowing ~ coals  b. connected to electric power  c. charged with explosives and containing shot or a bullet ~ ammunition; also armed but not exploded a ~ bomb  d. imparting or driven by power a ~ axle  e. being in operation a ~ microphone  3. abounding with life ; vivid  4. being in a pure native state  5. of bright vivid color  6. of continuing or current interest ~ issues  7.  a. not yet printed from or plated ~ type  b. not yet typeset ~ copy  8.  a. of or involving a presentation (as a play or concert) in which both the performers and an audience are physically present a ~ record album a nightclub with ~ entertainment  b. broadcast directly at the time of production a ~ radio program  9. being in play a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. 1 intr. have (esp. animal) life; be or remain alive. 2 intr. (foll. by on) subsist or feed (lives on fruit). 3 intr. (foll. by on, off) depend for subsistence (lives off the family; lives on income from investments). 4 intr. (foll. by on, by) sustain one's position or repute (live on their reputation; lives by his wits). 5 tr. a (with compl.) spend, pass, experience (lived a happy life). b express in one's life (was living a lie). 6 intr. conduct oneself in a specified way (live quietly). 7 intr. arrange one's habits, expenditure, feeding, etc. (live modestly). 8 intr. make or have one's abode. 9 intr. (foll. by in) spend the daytime (the room does not seem to be lived in). 10 intr. (of a person or thing) survive. 11 intr. (of a ship) escape destruction. 12 intr. enjoy life intensely or to the full (you haven't lived till you've drunk champagne). Phrases and idioms live and let live condone others' failings so as to be similarly tolerated. live down (usu. with neg.) cause (past guilt, embarrassment, etc.) to be forgotten by different conduct over a period of time (you'll never live that down!). live in Brit. (of a domestic employee) reside on the premises of one's work. live-in attrib.adj. (of a sexual partner) cohabiting. live it up colloq. live gaily and extravagantly. live out 1 survive (a danger, difficulty, etc.). 2 (of a domestic employee) reside away from one's place of work. live through survive; remain alive at the end of. live to survive and reach (lived to a great age). live to oneself live in isolation. live together (esp. of a man and woman not married to each other) share a home and have a sexual relationship. live up to honour or fulfil; put into practice (principles etc.). live with 1 share a home with. 2 tolerate; find congenial. long live ...! an exclamation of loyalty (to a person etc. specified). Etymology: OE libban, lifian, f. Gmc 2. adj. 1 (attrib.) that is alive; living. 2 (of a broadcast) heard or seen at the time of its performance, not from a recording. 3 full of power, energy, or importance;...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) активный 2) действующий 3) динамический 4) живой 5) жить 6) заряженный 7) обитаемый 8) под напряжением 9) реальный 10) свежий 11) существовать live hydraulic system — независимая гидросистема - live broadcasting - live flange - live pass - live stage - live steam - live until ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) жить, существовать 2) питаться чем-л. • - duty to live together - live beyond one's means - live within one's means ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  жить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прямой эфир Телепередача в прямом эфире. Обычно такая надпись стоит в углу экрана при прямых репортажах с места события ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. жить; существовать to live to be old (to a great age) —- дожить до (глубокой) старости to live to see smth. —- дожить до чего-л. to live in the past —- жить в прошлом (прошлым) he still lives —- он еще жив doctors don't think the patient will live —- врачи думают, что больной не выживет 2. вести какой-л. образ жизни to live within one's means —- жить по средствам to live up to one's income —- не выходить из бюджета to live beyond (above) one's means —- жить не по средствам to live happily (a happy life) —- жить счастливо to live in a small way —- жить скромно (тихо) to live to oneself —- жить замкнуто (уединенно, мало общаясь с другими) to live together —- сожительствовать 3. жить, проживать to live in England —- жить в Англии to live with one's parents-in-law —- жить с родителями жены (мужа) 4. выдерживать, не погибать, не портиться no boat could live in such a storm —- никакая лодка не могла бы выдержать такого шторма 5. (through) перенести, пережить (что-л.) he has lived through three wars —- он пережил три войны she lived through a lot of trouble —- ей пришлось много вынести (в жизни) 6. жить, оставаться в веках, в памяти и т. п. (часто также to live on) his memory will always live —- память о нем будет жить вечно his name will live on —- имя его не умрет 7. (on, upon) питаться (чем-л); жить (на какие-л. средства) to live on fruit —- питаться фруктами to live on one's salary —- жить на свое жалованье to have...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  fast прожигать жизнь LIVE in иметь квартиру по месту службы; Servants used to live in, and have their own rooms in their masters house. LIVE I v. жить; существовать; обитать to live in a small way - жить скромно to live within (above, beyond) ones income/means - жить (не) по средствам; to live on ones salary жить на жалованье; to live on bread and water питаться хлебом и водой; to live on others жить на чужие средства; to live to be old (seventy, eighty, etc.) дожить до старости (до семидесяти, восьмидесяти и т.д.) to live to see smth. - дожить до чего-л. - live down - live in - live off - live on - live out - live through - live up to as I live by bread!, as I live and breathe! - честное слово! to live on air - не иметь средств к существованию to live it up - прожигать жизнь live and learn! - век живи, век учись! II adj.  1) живой  2) живой, деятельный, энергичный, полный сил  3) жизненный; реальный; животрепещущий; - live issue  4) горящий, непогасший; - live coals  5) действующий; невзорвавшийся, боевой (о патроне и т.п.)  6) яркий, нетусклый (о цвете)  7) переменный, меняющийся (о нагрузке)  8) electr. под напряжением  9) radio; tv передающийся непосредственно с места действия (без предварительной записи на пленку или киноленту); a live program - репортаж с места событий - live weight - live wire Syn: see living LIVE coals горящие угли LIVE down загладить, искупить (своим поведением, образом жизни); You...
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  educ. abbr. Learning Important Values Everyday educ. abbr. Like Inquire Visit And Experience NASDAQ abbr. Ilive, Inc. ...
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